Walinzi Sacco was registered in 2008 but started operating towards the end of 2009 with the first savings having been donated by the then, Westland member of parliament Fred Gumo. The Sacco was started by few people who were employees of the mother Company, KK security. Today the Sacco has grown with an asset base of over 27M and a membership of over 500. Our Loan book stands at 24M. We have achieved all this due to the support received from our members and other stakeholders at large. Our Sacco serves staff of the private security firms and other firms which offer internal utility service in factories and offices.
Primary Objective
- The objective of the society is to organize and promote the economic interest of its members.
Operating Principles
- Voluntary and Open Membership-The society is always guided by the principle of voluntary and open membership in its member recruitment without political, ethnic, and religious, gender or social discrimination.
- Democratic Member Control-The society is fully controlled by members who have equal voting rights on the basis of one member one vote.
- Economic Participation by Members -Members contributes equitably to the capital of the society and share in the results of its operations.
- Education, Training and Information-The society fosters reciprocal, on-going education programs for members, leaders, staff and the community so that they can teach and learn from each other or from the appropriate resource persons in understanding and carrying out their respective roles.
- Co-operation among Co-operatives -In order to best serve the interests of the members and the community, the society actively co-operates with other co-operatives locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
- Autonomy and Independence -The society operates on mutually acceptable terms with its stakeholders who ensures its autonomy and independence.
To meet financial needs of our members under our roof.
To be the leading Sacco in the private security sector in terms of service to members using basic co-operative principles and values.
- Self-help
- Mutual responsibility
- Equality and equity
- Competence
- Teamwork
- Prudent management/Servant leadership
- Just and fair
- Transparency and accountability
- Innovation and creativity